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Customer Testimonials

"What an awesome job! Thanks for the Great Work. I LOVE my home again, lol. This company is prompt, reliable, quick and put me at ease very quickly. What a great first experience! Thank you Clean Detail...

- Glen Johnson, Edgemoor

"First class service from start to finish. Derrick from Clean Detail arrived around noon on Saturday. I ran a couple errands and by the time I had returned (hour and a half) my whole house was looking new again. Fantastic Job!!!! You are the company to hire!! I will be returning to you for all my outside cleaning needs."

- Nancy Grey, Fort Mill

"My driveway was very dark and turning black from the old concrete that hadn't been cleaned in years. I called Clean Detail and they totally made my whole home brighten up immediately. I now have the best looking sidewalk and driveway in my whole neighborhood. Next up I will be getting my pool patio cleaned and my outside deck pressure washed. Thanks Clean Detail."

- Phillip Richardson, Rock Hill

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